Review of
How to Navigate for the search of Expired Domains
When I googled for “expired domain” the website was on 8th place but came up to 6th place when I searched for “expired domains”.That is the power of Keywords!! is only one website which gives a beautiful look when opened in any browser. The homepage is like the periodic table of elements. You have choices vertically and horizontally and type of deals, Buy it now, Auction, Backorders, Bargains, and Feeds. Frankly speaking, I bought membership of this website and learned how to use all the parameter options, available therein.
I am reviewing, “how to operate this tool” on MacOS High Sierra Version 10.13.4 with Google Chrome Version 66.0.3359.181 (Official Build) (64-bit). I tested for Internet Explorer for versions 9 to 11 using the browser testing tool of NetRenderer . Also tested on Mac with Safari 11 using crossbrowsertesting ) and further test for firefox, opera, and edge. It works perfectly with these Browsers.

Mozilla Firefox browser test on

FEEDS-15 Registrars. The choice is for Expired, Deleting, Retail and Bargain Domains. Tab opens/closes by clicking with Browser whereas rest of tabs in this tool will open by bringing browser on the tab and no need of a click. All other tabs will open/close by just bringing the browser on it except for First Grid of ALL, BUY IT NOW, AUCTION, BACKORDER, BARGAINS, and FEEDS. Only one of these Tabs can be selected (active Tab is highlighted in light blue color) for search.

ALL TLDS-266 Extensions ( I have to use the calculator to find out how many extensions are available at the time of review.) This includes Popular Domains and Country-specific. By default, it gave 3,891,928 Domains.

PATTERN-17 patterns.Selection – Mutiple Selection of Pattern-Available,Deselection-ReHit on selection.

LANGUAGE-30 Languages ,Selection-all TLDs, all Pattern, Language Spanish, Results 1,530 Domains,Multiple Selection of Language- Available, Deselection- ReHit on selection.

CATEGORY-13 Category Selection-all TLDs, all Pattern, all Language, ,Multiple Selection-Available, Deselection-ReHit on the selection

GEO-4 Geo options, Geo, Country, US states, US city.Multiple Selection- Available.Deselection-ReHit on the selection

OTHERS-4 Others options,Keys, IDN, Names, Combo.Multiple Selection -Available, Selection-Rehit on the selection

In the image below is a selection of BUY IT NOW, ALL TLDs (.com), PATTERN ( VCVC), LANGUAGE (english), CATEGORY (auto), GEO (country), OTHERS (keys)
Result-64,740.For any selection these tabs are highlighted. Here BUY IT NOW and other 5 tabs have been highlighted. Please note no change in TLDS tab even if a selection is made. I think this tab should be highlighted whenever a selection is chosen from the default (in default all extensions are selected)

Rest is data feed section where the selection of a domain is on the selected parameter of Page Rank, Backlinks, MOZ PA, Include/exclude number etc.
UPload speed of the website is good as checked on pingdom
The Support in the website for nevigation ,is for previous version.
Read More–
The Domain Game: How People Get Rich From Internet Domain Names Paperback
Domaining Guide: How to Profit from Domain Names Paperback
The Secrets of Expired Domain Names and Website Flipping: PASSIVE INCOME!Paperback
Domainer’s Bible: A Beginner’s Guide to Buying and Selling Domain Names Paperback